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H is for Hope

For change to happen, Hope must be renewed that a positive outcome will result from the change process. Hope has been defined as:

- the feeling of wanting something to happen and thinking that it could happen;

- a feeling that something good will happen or be true

- someone or something that may be able to provide help

- someone or something that gives you a reason for hoping

From many indications, Nigerians are very hopeful people; despite many years of disappointment, frustration and neglect, we keep holding on a hope that all will work out well for us. Unfortunately, the desired result from holding on hope seems to elude the majority of the people. For change to be effective and sustainable, we need to restore hope in the people. This can be achieved when we stop taking people for granted and we start taking decisions based on the overall interests of the people and our nation.

Renewing Hope is needed in our families, communities, associations, institutions and governments. In our society, everyone in a position of authority seem to think they have acquired all power to oppress others. That is why some police officers will not think twice before shooting a citizen that has clearly not committed an offence but only insisting on safeguarding their citizenship rights to safety, security and peace. In the same vein, some civil servants will not think twice before delaying simple administrative processes in an attempt to discourage, frustrate and extort citizens they are meant to provide a quality service. Likewise, some other people in various positions of authority, will not think twice to deny other citizens opportunities of promotion, progress and prosperity.

Hope can be translated to mean Helping Other People Everywhere; change will happen when we accept that we have a responsibility to help others around us either in the form of sharing information, resources, assistance, effective programmes and policies. Someone said, "The only difference between those who threw in the towel and quit and those who used their energy to rebuild and kept it going is found in the word - HOPE.” To rebuild our nation, we need to restore and keep renewing Hope.

Continued in "Be the C.H.A.N.G.E you want to see in the World - Focus on Nigeria. Change Digest Volume 1"

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